Sunday, August 22, 2010

Smartphones. Are we smart enough?

It's amazing how the evolution of smartphones is changing the Internet and technology environment. According to Gartner, by 2013 internet connections through smartphones will overtake the ones make over Pc's and notebooks. Additionally, the penetration rate of these devices is 8 times faster than the penetration rate of the Pc's 10 years ago.

Are we prepared to change our big screens and do everything into 2 inches screen? Kind of difficult, isn't it? What I foresee regarding to this issue, is that smartphones will replace all processing power of current devices; however we will still need a place to do our job. A dumb terminal, a screen, a projector, many possibilities. But the fact is that the processing power and even the internet connection can be managed by such a small device. Are we smart enough?

So, we are now focusing into processing power and so all these predictions have a competitor "Cloud computing”. This will concentrate processing power into a central connection and all devices (including smart phones) will use it from the central power. This is actually very possible, however it will depend who will chase the rabbit first. For the time being I think phones are winning.