Lately if being feeling like Bob the builder (the pre-school learning program) because all the devices I have to carry out every time I go out. Mobile, Ipod ,USB data Traveler, Camera, etc. I even have to buy a waist bug to carry all the stuff. I've been thinking that the electronic industry is failing in the integration of devices. The Iphone is a good attempt to fulfill the latter objective but still is not a complete solution. Specialization in the electronic industry is the main problem for this issue. Consumers can have the best camera, Mp3 or mp4 device (not necessary Ipod) or mobile phone but not together in the same device and consumers want to have the best and together is not possible (at least for the time being).
This problem of lack of integration is not new in the industrial age. The history of failings attempts of integration is long, but I would like to show a couple of its. The first and most notorious for me is TV set (the old one not the flat model) and the VCR (or DVD lately). Even the same manufacturers were not able to do it. All the entertainment centers that the market offer us are a bunch of good separate devices sell it together.
Another example is the microwave and conventional ovens. Why we have to take more space in our house if there is a chance to have all devices together (unless there is an impossibility that we don’t know yet). The explanation is the same: specialization. The best TV brand is not the best VCR brand or the best microwave brand is not the same that conventional ovens.
From the consumer perspective there is one point against integration: the help desk service. If devices are separate manufacturers can offer a better service (specialization again) than if devices are all together . Imagine if your camera is not working well you have to leave your phone, Ipod, etc. But still manufacturers can have good and innovative ideas to go over it.
Not to mention all the chargers need it. Why most of them does not have the same standard?
Eduardo, buen punto y ni mencionar el enredo de cable que se me arma en el carro para poder conectar el cargador del celular, del GPS, el dvd de los ninos, en fin...menos mal no fumo, jajajaja
P.S. Buen blog BTW!
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