How things have change lately with the appearance of all the devices that makes us be communicated with business and social world. PDA, Blackberry and Iphone devices, Wifi and Wimax networks, 3G technology, etc. New breed of Workers face this new business way of working scenario. The main feature of those workers are that they are ubiquitus in the global arena. There is no chance to avoid a call, message, etc. We need to be prepared for every occassion no day and night, no bad mood, not a special ocassion.
One question arise from this. Can we really improve our time management with this new communication networks?
1 comment:
Through the years I have come to the conclusion that YES. I am pretty sure our children will benefit more from these than these generation on the middle. The “old” people and dino managers, still have a hard time getting use to all these wave or ubiquitous communications. We in the other hand, being kind on the middle, have growth fascinated, then overwhelmed and finally tired of all these “being always there, no matter what” nonsense. Until one day we find out, surprise!, turn off all the phones, and the computers, grab a book or being connected just disconnect from those collaborative tools that have been harassing us, or block those people you don´t want to talk to. It is actually quiet simple. Artificial intelligence versus Emotional intelligence. That´s why I think my children who won´t raise surprised by technology will adopt this as just one part of their lives, and not suffer in the process like I did (and still do) being a blubbering idiot in the process.
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